Nicolas Sidjakov «Baboushka and the Three Kings»

Книжка-картинка «Бабушка и три короля» написана Рут Роббинс по мотивам некой русской сказки о старушке, которая так была занята уборкой своего дома, что проигнорировала визит волхвов и упустила свой шанс поприветствовать новорожденного Христа. С тех пор она скитается по свету в поисках божьего дитя, чтобы запоздало преподнести ему свои подарки.

Сюжет о бабушке, которая бродит по свету в поисках Младенца в западной культуре прочно ассоциируется с русскими рождественскими традициями, хотя сами русские, как правило, с этой историей не знакомы.

Elizabeth Orton Jones «Prayer for a Child»

«Prayer for a Child» is a 1944 book by Rachel Field. Its artwork by Elizabeth Orton Jones won it a Caldecott Medal in 1945. The whole book is narrated by a little girl, but it represents children as a whole. It reflects their love of God, and their gentleness to humankind as a whole. «Prayer for a Child» received positive reviews. Kirkus Reviews described it as «A beautiful piece of bookmaking». The New York Times said «The pictures and the prayer itself speak to a child in a child’s language; older people will find this little volume beautiful, moving and deeply satisfying».

Berta & Elmer Hader «The big snow»

«The Big Snow» is a book by Berta and Elmer Hader. Released by Macmillan Publishers, it was the recipient of the Caldecott Medal for illustration in 1949. «The Big Snow» tells the story of how the woodland animals prepare themselves for the upcoming winter. The animals after seeing the leaves fall down and how fast the days begin to darken they know that it is winter time, as a result the geese fly south looking for sunshine and clear sky while the rest who had to stay also start to get ready to the cold weather for example some animals big and small growth thicker fur, others dig under the ground to keep warm but the most important is that all the animals gather a lot of food for the whole winter.

Marc Simont «A Tree Is Nice»

A Tree is Nice is a children’s picture book written by Janice May Udry and illustrated by Marc Simont. It was published by Harper and Brothers in 1956, and won the Caldecott Medal in 1957. The book tells Udry’s poetic opinion on why trees are nice: «Trees are pretty. They fill up the sky. If you have a tree, you can climb up its trunk, roll in its leaves, or hang a swing from one of its limbs. Cows and babies can nap in the shade of a tree. Birds can make nests in the branches. A tree is good to have around. A tree is nice.» In a retrospective essay about the Caldecott Medal-winning books from 1956 to 1965, Norma R. Fryatt wrote, «The book becomes one of the most convincing sermons on conservation yet done for young children.»

Leo Politi «Song of the swallows»

«Song of the Swallows» is a book by Leo Politi. Published by Scribner, it was the recipient of the Caldecott Medal for illustration in 1950. The book tells the story of two children who live in an old mission in San Juan Capistrano in California. One of the children tells the other the amazing journey the swallows make all the way from South America to spend the summer in California.

Matthew Cordell «Wolf in the Snow»

Книжка-картинка Мэтью Корделла «Волк в снегу» вышла в 2017 году. История рассказывает о девочке и волчонке, встретивших друг друга в метели. Девочка помогает волчонку вернуться в волчью стаю к своим родителям, а те, в свою очередь, приводят помощь к самой девочке.

Katherine Milhous «The egg tree»

«The Egg Tree» is a 1950 book by Katherine Milhous that won the 1951 Caldecott Medal, based on the author’s family tradition. It tells the classic tale of a Pennsylvania Dutch Easter, with its main characters being Katy and Carl. One day, near Easter, they look for Easter eggs and found eggs that their grandmother had painted on a tree. They were interested, so they ask their grandmother about the eggs. They eventually create one, and it becomes a big success the next Easter. The book «The egg tree» is an illustrated book, with the image of a rooster blowing a horn standing on an decorated Easter egg on the cover of the book. Bright colors yellow in contrast with green. The illustration goes on through the pages with a Pennsylvania Dutch traditions of art that can be considered eye pleasing and easy to read.

Robert Lawson «They Were Strong and Good»

«They Were Strong and Good» is a children’s nonfiction book written and illustrated by Robert Lawson, who won the 1941 Caldecott Medal for excellence in illustration of an American children’s picture book. It tells the story of Lawson’s family: where they came from, how they met, what they did, where they lived. «None of them,» Lawson says in the preface, speaking of his ancestors, «were great or famous, but they were strong and good.» The original 1940 text has been revised to alter two controversial sections. One that refers to American Indians as «tame», and the other «colored boy» is replaced with «Negro slave». The accompanying pictures remain original.

Javaka Steptoe «Radiant Child: The Story of Young Artist Jean-Michel Basquiat»

Уникальные коллажные картины Жана-Мишеля Баскии называли культурным феноменом, новым видом искусства. Еще будучи маленьким мальчиком, Баския повсюду находил вдохновение – в поэзии, в играх и словах, музеях и пульсирующей энергии Нью-Йорка. Смелые яркие иллюстрации Степто перекликаются с работами Баскии, показывают юным читателям, что искусство не всегда должно быть опрятным и причесанным. Отмеченная многими наградами биографическая книга Степто – замечательное введение в творчество Жана-Мишеля Баскии, демонстрирующее, что самовыражение в искусстве может принимать самые разные формы.

Dan Santat «Приключения Бикла»

Теме воображаемого друга для одинокого ребенка посвящены десятки книг и сотни мультфильмов, в том числе книжка-картинка о приключениях забавного белого существа Бикла, ставшая победителем Caldecott Award 2015 г. Перед нами очень яркая книжка, при создании которой художник использовал исключительно и только компьютерные технологии (сколько раз мы уже говорили о том, что уничижительная коннотация в словосочетании «компьютерные рисунки» так же неправомерна, как и «бессмысленные комиксы»?)