Николай Селещук «Клад»

Эти необычные иллюстрации изданной в 1986 году белорусским издательством «Юнацтва» книги Змитрока Бядули «Клад» (или «Сокровище») нарисованы белорусским художником Селещуком. Сказок в книжке четыре — Иванушка-простачок, Клад, Музыкант и Блинчик с неба.

Leo Politi «Song of the swallows»

«Song of the Swallows» is a book by Leo Politi. Published by Scribner, it was the recipient of the Caldecott Medal for illustration in 1950. The book tells the story of two children who live in an old mission in San Juan Capistrano in California. One of the children tells the other the amazing journey the swallows make all the way from South America to spend the summer in California.

Evan Turk «Muddy: The Story of Blues Legend Muddy Waters»

A picture book celebration of the indomitable Muddy Waters, a blues musician whose fierce and electric sound laid the groundwork for what would become rock and roll. Muddy Waters was never good at doing what he was told. When Grandma Della said the blues wouldn’t put food on the table, Muddy didn’t listen. And when record producers told him no one wanted to listen to a country boy playing country blues, Muddy ignored them as well. This tenacious streak carried Muddy from the hardscrabble fields of Mississippi to the smoky juke joints of Chicago and finally to a recording studio where a landmark record was made. Soon the world fell in love with the tough spirit of Muddy Waters. In blues-infused prose and soulful illustrations, Michael Mahin and award-winning artist Evan Turk tell Muddy’s fascinating and inspiring story of struggle, determination, and hope.

Михаил Скобелев «Девочка на шаре»

«Очень уместно, с большим вкусом вводит Скобелев в свои иллюстрации легкую иронию и мягкий юмор. …Отмечая смешное в героях, художник ничуть не принижает их, а лишь полнее раскрывает характеры».

В. Федоров